How to take pictures of yourself when travelling solo

There are many other ways to have your photo taken when you
are travelling alone but here are the 5 that I mostly use. I don’t carry a
tripod so I haven’t used it for a selfie yet….

1.       Selfie stick

I know that some people may not like selfie sticks because sometimes you can still see the stick in the photo, sometimes you cannot get a lot of angles right and a lot of the times it’s hard when you want the scenery and more people in the picture however it does do the job for a quick selfie or group selfie.

2.       Ask a stranger

Trust me, you might feel awkward at first about asking a stranger to take a picture of you but believe me, people genuinely want to help you take your photo. Some people are itching for you to ask them to take a picture for you. The worst they can say is no, of which you hardly ever have anyone say no but if they do… someone else will, so WE MOVE!

3.       Camera timer

It’s also a good idea to find somewhere that you can prop your phone. Find a nice angle and put the timer on within your camera settings. Give it 20 seconds or 30 seconds to allow yourself to stand in the right position and just be ready to smile and pose, however this can get a little bit tedious going back and forth to you phone.

Camera Shutter remote

This one is my new favourite. You use
Bluetooth to connect it to your phone. You can then prop your phone in a nice
angle whether on a windows seal or on a bench wherever it may be. You keep the
little, tiny remote in your hand, take position and click the button to take as
many pics as you like without having to go back and forth to the phone. Here is
a link to one I got from Amazon.

Gooseneck phone holder

This works brilliantly alongside the camera
shutter remote. Sometimes you cannot find anywhere to prop your phone however,
with the gooseneck phone holder you can use it to clump anywhere and you can
adjust the neck to put the phone in the perfect angle wherever you want it to
be which makes it very flexible. With this and the camera shutter remote  won’t have to worry about asking anybody to
take a pic for you. I will also put a link for an Amazon from where I got it

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